At FUMC Ozark part of our mission is to "serve our neighbors." We strive to reach our community on many levels, through volunteer service, donations, and prayer. Join us as we spot light our different areas of missions. Click the picture to dive in deeper with each mission.
There are many ways that FUMC Ozark serves through missions. Our communion fund serves Ozark residents that are in need. We provide support to children within the Ozark City school system through our backpack ministry, booster clubs, and more. Though, we can not serve alone. Listed below are our mission partners that we work with to help better serve our community.
Local Missions
- Boy's Attention Home
- Boys & Girls Club (Ozark, AL)
- The Settlement Group Home
- House of Ruth (Dothan, AL)
- Wiregrass United Way
- Sav-A-Life (Dale County)
- Vivian B. Adams School
- Boys Scouts (Ozark, AL)
- Mission Point
- Make-A-Difference Day
State Wide Missions
- Hinton-Rural Life Center
- Nellie Burge Center
- Noah's Ark
- Golden Cross
- Methodist Student Day
- Red Bird Mission
global missions
- Rural Health Development in Nigeria
- Rio Grande Pastoral Support
- United Methodist Committee on Relief
- Mission Aviation Fellowship
- Rise Against Hunger
- One Great Hour of Sharing
- Youth Service Fund
- Wycliffe Bible Translators
- Operation Mobilization
- Ecuador Mission through UMC
- Operation Christmas Child