A Place to belong, believe, and become.

Jesus reminds us over and over again that all are welcome in His Kingdom. To model Jesus’s radical hospitality, our prayer is for you to BELONG. No matter where you are on your faith journey, we hope you come to BELIEVE in God’s love for you and desire to be in relationship with you. Lastly, but not the end of the journey, we strive to BECOME the Kingdom of God on earth together.


Who is God?

We believe in God the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. In this perfect trinity we understand God to be holy and wholly involved in every aspect of our life. God created everything we see around us, and even the things unseen. God existed before creation - in fact, we believe God always was, always is, and always will be. God is all things good, righteous, merciful, just, powerful, authoritative, knowing, present, and so much more. Most importantly, though, God is love. (1 John 4:7-21)

Why is Jesus so important?

Jesus is God, and at the same time the Son of God. In Jesus, all humanity and divinity is together in perfect union. Through the sacrificial act of Jesus dying on the cross, all of humanity (past, present, and future) can live without fear of dying to sin. Through the resurrection of Jesus we all are given the opportunity at a new life, and are promised a place in the eternal Kingdom of God. Through the life of Jesus we are also shown how to live in the way God desires us to. (John 3:16)

What about the Holy Spirit?

While we no longer live with Jesus walking physically beside us, we are never apart from the presence of God. The Holy Spirit lives within each of us. In a very real sense, the Spirit of God lives alongside our own spirit, and they are deeply connected. As we try every day to live like Jesus, we are guided and watched over by the Holy Spirit. Not only does the Spirit of God connect us powerfully to God's whole self, it also connects us with every other person who lives by the Holy Spirit as well. (Romans 8:9-11)

Why do Christians follow the Bible?

We believe the collection of books and letters in the Bible contains God's Word. The authors and collectors of these books and letters were inspired by God to do so. The Word of God contains everything we need for salvation through Jesus. The Word of God is a living and active source for all Christians. This means that even though these stories were written long ago, they are still holy to our lives, and effective for our practice of faith. The Bible is our primary authority on the revelation of God in our lives. (1 Thessalonians 2:13)

Why is it important that I come to church?

Through the example of God in the Trinity (the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit) we are called to live in perfect communion with each other. Our faith walk is never supposed to be something we do alone. That's why it was so important that Adam had a partner. To bring Heaven to Earth (Matt. 6:9-10) requires much more than any individual person can do. Together we make up the whole Kingdom of God. Together we make up the whole body of Christ. Together we will grow and learn and worship and know God more than we ever could on our own. (Romans 12:3-5) 

What is a United Methodist?

A United Methodist is a Christian believer that claims the global body of The United Methodist Church, a collection of many, many churches worldwide. This church body works to spread the good news of Jesus Christ to their local communities, and serves together in a deeply connected way, to fight larger systemic evils for the betterment of all. To find out more about United Methodist visit www.umc.org